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Full Testing for
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Text: 815-298-4197

is just a-tap-a-way!
Discover the Genius in your Child!


KeyMath & Fluency
Course Price
Course length
7 weeks

Instructor Name
Educational Coach, Golden Apple Teacher, Award Winning, Educational Therapist, Karen Marie Kosloske Schoeben M.Ed.SPEC in over 40 years of service she's never met a child she couldn't teach.
About the course
The KeyMath form A or B standardized test in 13 different areas of
math: numeration, algebra, geometry, measurement, data analysis
and probability, mental computation and estimation, addition and
subtraction, multiplication and division, foundations of problem
solving, applied problem-solving giving goals and grade level for
each. And composite scores in basic concepts, operations,
applications and total test grades level and standard scores in an
18-page report. Answers the question, if my child is above or
below grade level what lessons/concepts should be priorities so I
can get more done in less time? $595 value Customized Math Textbook based on the standardized KeyMath A
test highlighting 13 critical areas in math nationally normed to give
grade level scores in each area. KeyMath Essentials prints out a
complete chapter including answer key and pre and posttest for
each problem/concept missed on the KeyMath-A test. $472 value. Customized Math and Fluency Lessons, weekly 30 minute zoom sessions. 7 free sessions included. $259 value